Friendships Forming at Heritage Elementary

December 7, 2023

Buddies at Heritage


At DCG elementary schools 4th graders are the top dog. Meanwhile, the kindergarteners are getting their first look at this thing called school.

Inside Heritage Elementary, the experienced 4th graders are spending time with the rookie kindergarteners in a cool way. 

“We go in there and help them with the games,” says 4th grader Will Evans. 

Our kindergartners are loving every second.

“We played a game called flip cone together,” says kindergartner Sullivan Winstead. “We also did a Halloween thing together.”

“I really, really liked the Halloween one we did,” adds Emmett Walker. “We jumped over the pumpkins and grabbed the candy corn.”

When these buddies get together magic happens. It showcases the power of friendship and connection across our school. 

“It’s like we are best friends, but we barely know each other,” says Nora Dickhaut.