There are 43 PLC Leaders in the Dallas Center-Grimes Community School District. Building level PLC Team Leaders will operate under shared leadership and will be catalysts who will ensure student learning through the PLC process. They will not “do” all the work, but will enable, encourage and assist to make certain that the PLCs operate as a “team”, rather as a “group.” Teams “work interdependently to achieve a common goal for which members are mutually accountable” (DuFour, DuFour, Eaker & Many, 2006, p. 120) and the PLC Team Leaders will ensure that they do.
- Provide focus for the PLC groups to ensure they are doing “the Right Work” (Dufour) .
- Work with the Instructional Coaches, curriculum director and principal(s) as a liaison with the PLCs in order to ensure a guaranteed and viable curriculum across the district.
- Help teachers integrate district and building level PD into daily practice and communicate PD needs to the leadership teams.
- Facilitate job-embedded PD through collective inquiry and communication of how best to meet students’ needs through strengthening instruction.
- Ensure the PLC team provides resources and support for new and veteran teachers.