Difference Makers – Associates are Playing an Important Role at DCG

November 2, 2022

Associates at DCG

There’s a special bond between South Prairie Associate Liz Hendricks and her kindergarten student Addi.

“I love Addi,” Liz shares.  “She really wants to do her best and she just needs that extra help. I love being that person for her.”

Liz has a great view of all the amazing things happening each and every day during Addi’s time in school.

“Yesterday she figured out how to make the lowercase M,” says Hendricks. “She made hundreds of them on a piece of paper. That was a time to celebrate with her and say yeah, you did it!”  

That right there is the power of an associate. A cheerleader, a support system and as some would say, the glue to our buildings. 

“There are moments where you get a smile or you get a click, where you know they finally got something and you’ve made a difference,” says Hendricks. “I think those moments happen every single day. 

Fostering relationships is so important for our associates. They are working with the entire building team. 

“We work in partnership with parents, with the teachers, with the special ed teachers and all of the administration,” adds Hendricks. “Just to make sure that we are doing everything we can to do support the kids. Not just academically, because we know school goes beyond academics.” 

At DCG the need for associates like Liz continues. It’s a chance to make a difference in our district. 

“There’s support there to help you learn these things and to train you to be able to love these kids the right way,” she says.

The love pours through our buildings. The associate lens is very similar to a teacher lens. They are putting our students first and cheering them on from the best seat in the house. 

Liz Hendricks says it best. “I have a heart for her. I love her. I want to see her succeed.”

Interested in becoming an associate at Dallas Center Grimes? Click here.