Fog and Eureka (DCG’s Professional Therapy Dogs) are Back to School in 2022-23

August 31, 2022

Click here to watch a video story featuring Fog and Eureka, DCG’s Professional Therapy Dogs.
Therapy Dogs

Fog and Eurkea – DCG’s Professional Therapy Dogs

It’s a normal guidance session at Dallas Center Elementary. A class full of eager students, a passionate counselor and a dog, named Fog.

“I sometimes joke that he is my co-counselor and he is sometimes busier than I am,” shares DCE Counselor Mallory DeLacy. 

Fog is one of DCG’s Professional Therapy Dogs. He lives and works with DeLacy.  Together they form a powerful team.

“I spend more time with him than I do with anybody else in my life,” says DeLacy. 

The counselor-therapy dog bond also happens at DCG’s Middle School. Meet counselor Megann Schultz and her therapy dog Eureka.

“She brings a little extra joy to the job we do here,” says Schultz.

Megan is working with her second therapy dog in our district. After making a tremendous difference, Jasper is retired and Eureka is ready to rock.

“When kids come into guidance, she makes the rounds,” says Schultz. “I can’t prove it, but I think she picks out kids who need a little extra love that day.” 

There is significant background training done before a therapy dog finds a permanent home. Mallory and Megann say it’s a process that pays off every single day. 

“He spent the majority of his life in a correctional facility, being trained by inmates to do commands,” says DeLacy. “Even though he’s very calm, Fog is very goofy, it’s the perfect fit for elementary school.”

Eureka and Fog both came to DCG from the CARES program. Part of the routine is a week-long training session with the dog and handler.

Up next, it’s back to school. Our students say they are thankful for the relationships they’re building with Fog and Eureka.

“I don’t know if I can speak for everyone, but it’s one of the highlights of my day,” shares 6th grader Sophia Heston.

When they walk in the classroom, everyone gets so excited,” adds 6th grader Gavin Wright. 

The first few weeks of school can be emotional. On the good days and the bad days, Fog and Eureka will be here, eager for their next chance to help.

“I watched him walk into a situation where a student was escalated and within two minutes, the student was starting to calm down,” says Schultz. “We were getting to a place where we could start to process what was going on and starting to turn the day around.”

“Whether we are having a good day or not, Fog is there for it and he provides some laughs for all of us,” adds DeLacy.