Registration Forms
Dental Form: Required for Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten (if student did not attend Opt Kdg), and 9th grade.
Return the completed form to your child’s school office.
Vision Form: Required for Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten (if student did not attend Opt Kdg), and 3rd grade.
Return the completed form to your child’s school office.
Physical Form: Required for all students grades 7-12 who are in athletics. You may print this to take to your appointment. You will upload this form when you register your athlete on rSchool Today.
Open Enrollment: Open enrollment is requesting to attend school in a school district other than your resident school district. A form must be filed with the resident and receiving district by March 1 for the following schools years enrollment for students in grades 1-12. The deadline is September 1 of the school year of enrollment for students in transitional kindergarten or kindergarten. For further questions, please contact the District Registrar, Deanna Sandegren, at 515-992-3866 or
Please download, print and mail the completed form to the address below or email to
Dallas Center-Grimes CSD
2405 W 1st St
PO Box 680
Grimes, IA 50111
For further information, please go to the Department of Education Open Enrollment page.
Free/Reduced Form:
Free and reduced lunch forms will be available for each school year starting July 1. The Electronic Application can be found by logging into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. Hard copies can be accessed from each school building.
If you have further questions about Free and Reduced Meals or Free and Reduced Fees, please contact the DCG Central Office at 515-992-3866.