Branding and Logos
Closings and Delays
Annual Notices

The Dallas Center-Grimes Community School District has developed a strong brand and visual identity both internally and externally. It consists of a common visual system with independent trademarked logos representing the district, and all schools within the district.

These logos must be used consistently and correctly. The district has taken steps to protect its trademarked logos and ensure proper use.  It is important to become familiar with these rules and guides before using the logos of the district.

  • The district may determine whether the use of the license is aligned with the branding and style guide.
  • Please note that currently non-District-related community club athletic teams are allowed to use the logos with a license (for example, a little league team). However, the district reserves the right to determine whether the use of the logo will be permitted.
  • A DCG Branding and Style Guide has been developed, which also governs the use of our logos.
  • High-quality art files are available upon request. Do not save the images from the website, as these images are low-resolution saved and are not considered suitable for print use.

The contracts awaiting your approval have been broken down into two categories – Affiliated DCG Vendors and Non-Affiliated DCG Vendors. 

Affiliated Vendors 

New Contract – $300/Year – No Royalty Fees

  • Affiliated vendors work with approved DCG CSD-sponsored activities and organizations to produce uniforms, apparel, promotional materials, or any other items using the DCG brand. 
  • All DCG Activity teams/groups will work with affiliated vendors for jerseys/uniforms/apparel that will be connected to the program. 
  • Affiliated vendors must fill out DCG’s vendor contract annually. 
  • Affiliated vendors will have business information listed on DCG’s website for public viewing.

Non-Affiliated Vendors 

New Contract – $50/Year – No Royalty Fees 

  • Non-affiliated vendors may or may not work directly with DCG-sponsored activities. 
  • Non-affiliated vendors must fill out DCG’s vendor contract annually. 
  • We anticipate that this group will be mostly local businesses/vendors.


Affiliated Vendors and Non-Affiliated Vendors will both be required to follow all DCG brand guidelines. 

To become a licensed vendor, please fill out and submit a trademark agreement (Affiliated Vendor Contract or Non-Affiliated Vendor Contract) and send your payment to the attention of the Communications Department at the district office – 2405 W 1st St., Grimes, IA 50111

For information about licensing, call (515)992-3866.

**Please Note** All vendor contracts will be allowed to expire at their anticipated date. These contracts will expire by 2029.

Dallas Center-Grimes CSD uses a communication platform called ParentSquare—a simple and unified school-to-home communication platform—to reach and engage every parent, helping ensure all parents have the opportunity to actively participate in their children’s education. ParentSquare is now available for staff and parents to use on their computers or mobile devices.

By unifying multiple tools into one communications app and service, ParentSquare provides a seamless experience for parents and staff. Parents will be able to keep track of news, activities and events from all their children’s schools in one place.

Student contact information is collected from parents/guardians during registration and imported into Infinite Campus. If your contact information has changed, you will need to contact your building secretary to have this information updated in Infinite Campus. If you would like to remove a phone number or email address from your contact information in Infinite Campus, please contact your building secretary.

Activating Your ParentSquare Account


The Dallas Center-Grimes CSD eBackpack is an environmentally friendly approach to distributing information from school sponsored activities and non-profit organizations. Anything from registration materials to local event information is uploaded to DCG’s eBackpack, so it is a great resource to subscribe to or check frequently!

DCG eBackpack

In the event that severe weather conditions dictate the need to delay the beginning of school or cancel school entirely, the following procedures will be used:

  • The superintendent monitors weather forecasts.
  • Prior to 5 a.m., the superintendent and members of the operation team drive the district routes to determine safety of transportation.
  • A decision is normally made by no later than 5:30 a.m. to delay the beginning of the school day by one hour or two hours, or to cancel school.

How families and staff are contacted:

Dallas Center-Grimes CSD uses a notification system called ParentSquare. ParentSquare is a fully hosted notification platform used to connect parents, students and staff through voice, SMS text, email and social media.

Dallas Center-Grimes CSD will be using ParentSquare for emergency and general notifications. This includes notifications such as building and district newsletters, early release reminders, late starts or other emergency situations that may arise during or after school hours.

If you would like to add or remove a phone number or email address for your contact information in Infinite Campus, please contact your building secretary.

If you have questions regarding ParentSquare, please contact AJ Ellingson at

Media Alerts

If school must be cancelled, delayed or dismissed early due to weather conditions or other emergencies, announcements will be made through Thrillshare and the first and second priority contacts noted in Infinite Campus will receive an email, phone call and text message. In addition the following stations are contacted:

TV Stations:

  • KCCI – Channel 8
  • WHO – Channel 13
  • WOI – Channel 5